Social Media Conduct

Think Before You Post!

Social Media, Internet & Electronic Communication Policy  

Racing, competing, and representing the Sparta High School Alpine Racing Ski Team is a privilege. Students and parent/guardian(s) must accept personal responsibility for any images, postings, or information appearing on the Internet. Student-athletes at Sparta High School are held in the highest regard and are seen as role models in our community. Student-athletes have the responsibility to portray the Sparta Ski Team, the Sparta High School, and themselves in a positive manner at all times.

POLICY: Students will not engage in inappropriate, harassing, demeaning, threatening or offensive behaviors while participating in online communities or electronic communication. 

Social Media Apps

Social Media, Internet & Electronic Communication includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Social networking sites, such as Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc.
  • Multi media, video sharing, photo sharing
  • Blogs, Microblogs, Bulletin Boards and Websites with comment areas
  • Messenger Apps: SnapChat, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Remind App, etc.
  • Text Messaging Services & Group Chats

Inappropriate use of social media, the internet & electronic communication will be seriously dealt with. 
The Head Coach, the Athletic Director, and the School Administration all have the ability to impose disciplinary actions such as probation, suspension, and/or removal of a student from the Sparta Ski Team on the first inappropriate action. The posting shall be immediately removed. Additionally, any awards received and/or captain title may be revoked. If a senior, the Ski Booster Club senior scholarship may be rescinded and if already issued, the funds returned. Lastly, a suitable apology will be issued for the misconduct. 


  • Everything you post is public information – any text or photo placed online is completely out of your control the moment it is placed online – even if you limit access to your site. Information (including pictures, videos, and comments) may be accessible even after you remove it. Once you post a photo or comment on a social networking site, that photo or comment becomes the property of the site and may be searchable even after you remove it.
  • What you post may affect your future. Many employers and college admissions officers review social networking sites as part of their overall evaluation of an applicant. Carefully consider how you want people to perceive you before you give them a chance to misinterpret your information (including pictures, videos, comments, and posters).
  • Similar to comments made in person, the Sparta Ski Team will not tolerate disrespectful comments and behavior online, such as:
    • Derogatory language, vulgar, obscene, or indecent language, defamatory statements or remarks that may harm your teammates or coaches; other student-athletes, teachers, parents or coaches; and student-athletes, coaches, or representatives of other schools, including comments that may disrespect your opponents.
    • Post incriminating photos or statements depicting violence; hazing; sexual harassment; full or partial nudity; inappropriate gestures; vandalism, stalking; underage drinking, selling, possessing, or using controlled substances; or any other inappropriate behaviors.
    • Creating a serious danger to the safety of another person or making a credible threat of serious physical or emotional injury to another person.
    • Divulging sensitive or confidential information
    • Posting material that infringes the copyright of another person


  • Do: Praise teammates and team efforts
  • Don't: Bash opposing teams, individual players or coaches
  • Do: Thank fans, coaches, referees, mountain crew for their support
  • Don't: Swear or misspell words
  • Do: Realize you are a role model for other students at your school
  • Don't: Harass others or mention race, religion, sexual orientation or physical condition
  • Do: Know that if you retweet or share something, you own it!
  • Don't: Insult others and do not participate in or instigate challenges or battles. Resolve your differences in person.

Understand that freedom of speech is not unlimited. The on-line social network sites are NOT a place where you can say and do whatever you want without repercussions. Always remember, the information you post on a social networking sites is considered public information. Protect yourself by maintaining a self-image of which you can be proud for years to come.

* NOTE: This policy is in addition to the "Student Code Of Conduct" written in the Sparta Township Public Schools Student Handbook.